Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday night

So, the big talk with my manager ended up being about T. I listened to one of her calls and for some reason 2 managers had a problem with that and took it to HR to get me in trouble. I listen to calls every week and this was nothing new. I know who did it. I haven't spoken to either of them this week beyond what I had to. The anger just overwhelmed me last week! And I don't like being angry!

Sunday morning T and I dragged ourselves out of bed to go to church. It was one of those mornings where you just don't want to go but something is telling you that you should. I swear the sermon could have been titled-"Johanna, this one is for you!" It was all about the power of saying no so you could say yes. And the biggest lesson I took away from it was to not let people distract you from the "great project" you are working on. Trey and I did some praying and letting go and that seemed to help immensely. The week became much much better..and bearable as well!

The hardest part of the week was my bizarre confrontational conversation with George. He is offended because Trey is going to take my maiden name when we get married. (Not that I am going back to my maiden name.) He says it is disrespectful to my family and my heritage. I was completely blown away by what he said-of course he was probably in the angry part of his alcoholism that night. He told me that I had emasculated him because I didn't agree with him. I remembered all the reasons we separated and why by the end of our marriage I couldn't eat or sleep and I was pretty sure he was going to kill me. The whole incident shook me to my core and the feeling has lasted for days now.

The best part of the week was my belly dancing class. So much fun! And I loved that by the end of the class I felt sexy and powerful! It's been ages since I have felt that way! I am sore and exhausted and it's wonderful. I want the tshirt that says "Become a Goddess. Belly Dance." :)

That's it for me. I am going to finish watching Buffy on Logo and relax. :)

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